Please join us for our Superbowl Squares Fundraiser, to benefit Saint Kilian Catholic School Each participant will be assigned two random numbers between 0 and 9. (NFC will be across the top of the grid, and AFC will be down the side of the grid). Where those two numbers intersect is the participant's spot on the grid. At the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters, and at the end of the game, the last digit in the team scores will determine the grid coordinates and the winners. We hope to fill 3 grids to increase everyone's chances of winning! All non sold squares will be property of SKCS and a donation back to the school.
Please choose the number of squares you wish to purchase.
Complete payment.
Once form is submitted you will receive an email with a link to pick your squares on a website. On the link you will receive you will be able to choose your own square/s.