Before School Care | 7:00am - 7:45am |
Breakfast Service | 7:30am - 8:10am |
AM Preschool | 8:30am - 11:00am |
PM Preschool | 12:00pm - 2:30pm |
K-8 Morning Drop Off | 7:45am - 8:15am |
Class Begins | 8:20am |
K-8 Dismissal | 2:50pm |
Extended Care | 2:50pm - 6:00pm |
After School Meeting Time
Study Groups
Detentions |
2:50pm - 3:30pm |
Saint Kilian Catholic School makes independent decisions to delay or cancel school due to inclement weather. In the event of inclement weather or any emergency closure, information will be communicated through ONE CALL NOW (a direct messaging system) to notify all families simultaneously in time-sensitive situations. Families will receive text messages to their cell phone, voice messages (land lines) and emails when the school is affected by delays and closures (this system also allow SKCS to quickly reach all families in case of a school or community emergency).
SKCS Two Hour Delay School Schedule
Before School Care | n/a |
Breakfast Service | n/a |
K-8 Morning Drop Off | 9:45am - 10:15am |
Class Begins | 10:20am |
K-8 Dismissal | 2:50pm |
Extended Care | 2:50pm - 6:00pm |
After School Meeting Time Study Groups Detentions |
2:50pm - 3:30pm |
Special Note About Busing in Inclement Weather
If your public school district is closed/delayed but Saint Kilian Catholic School is open:
If Saint Kilian Catholic School is delayed but your public school district is open:
If you have questions about your child's school bus given inclement weather or delay, please contact your public school district bus depot (please click here for busing contact information).
Please note, because our attendance registers are legal indicators of a child's presence at the times we are in session, children who arrive late or are absent because of busing when school is in session will be marked as Excused Tardy or Excused Absence.
Should school be dismissed early at any time due to an emergency, information will be communicated through local TV and ONE CALL NOW (a direct messaging system) to notify all families simultaneously in time-sensitive situations. Should a situation occur which requires evacuation of the school while in session, students will be taken to Saint Kilian Church until it is safe to return to Saint Kilian Catholic School.