Please contact Tricia Prag- [email protected] with information about previous school yearbooks.
At Saint Kilian Catholic School, there is no better way to remember all the school year happenings than with an SKCS yearbook! Our Photography Committee and Yearbook Team works hard throughout the school year producimg our annual yearbook. They create a high quality product, with Herff Jones, that you can enjoy for years to come.
Why Yearbooks?
A school yearbook holds images of the events and people who make our years in school special. Yearbooks capture memories frozen in time, faces that will change, and events that may only be remembered again by opening the cover. You can’t see the same things while scrolling through social media, and that is why a yearbook is so special. It will never go out of style, and will always be a treat to come across no matter how many years go by. SKCS students look forward to the yearbook reveal day, and having their friends and teachers sign it. A forever keepsake!