At Saint Kilian Catholic School, we understand that technology is a big part of our students' lives. Therefore, we have partnered with Microsoft TEAMS and Apple to create an educational environment that makes our students more excited about learning. All classrooms are equipped with a TV, an Apple TV, a laptop and iPad access. The key to our success with technology centers around one critical idea: Remember always that the device itself is never as important as what can be done with it, or in many instances what can be done without it - the focus is on the action, not the app or device itself.
Our educators are provided with an iPad and a laptop running Microsoft Office 365 for Education for collaboration and sharing. Special apps allow teachers to manage student device usage while in class. Teachers participate in ongoing professional development internally. Additionally, teachers are equipped with our Teacher Portal and teacher web pages for students and families.
Preschool students have access to iPads on a daily basis for use in the classroom for specific lesson plans, activities or assignments.
All K-8 students participate in a 1:1 iPad initiative and receive a pre-loaded iPad and Microsoft Office 365 account to be used in conjunction with their studies and daily organization. Fully loaded with targeted apps and textbooks, our devices expand the learning experience both inside and outside the classroom and inspire creativity and hands-on learning opportunities on a daily basis. Interactive books and lessons, study aids, liturgy, apps and a myriad of productivity tools allow students to engage with content in interactive ways, find information in an instant, access an entire library wherever they are, and collaborate with their teachers both inside and outside the classroom. Middle school students also utilize our Student Portal which allows them to view their schedule, progress and assignments.
SKCS Parents utilize a Parent Portal that provides online access to their child's schedule, grades, report cards and attendance along with the ability to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences and pay tuition and school fees online.
Support Staff
SKCS technology is fully monitored and maintained by an on-site technical support team available to students, staff and parents as needed. iPads are wirelessly managed with a Mobile Device Management solution that allows our team to quickly respond to teacher and student requests, push content, lock devices or turn off apps or functionality as needed. Technology is updated annually.