Do you own a business? If so, would you be interested in providing scholarships and financial aid to Saint Kilian students if there were little or no cost to your company? If your answer is "Yes," put your Pennsylvania tax liability dollars to work for our school through Pennsylvania's Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program.
The EITC program allows the business community to support private school education. You have the ability to divert your state tax dollars to support our school. The money you are obligated to pay in state taxes can go directly to provide student scholarships and financial aid to students who otherwise could not afford to attend Saint Kilian Catholic School.
You determine or otherwise estimate your state tax liability. Through the EITC program your company can apply to receive tax credits equal to 75% of the amount of your contribution per taxable year. The tax credit can be increased to 90% of the contribution, if your business agrees to provide the same amount for two consecutive tax years. In addition, you can claim a charitable deduction for the difference between the tax credit amount and the gift. The tax credits can then be designated for receipt by Saint Kilian Catholic School and go directly to helping our own students. For example: If you donate $5,000 to Saint Kilian each year for two years, you receive a tax credit of $4,500 per year, plus the ability to claim $500 per year as a charitable deduction. The $10,000 donation to Saint Kilian becomes a $10,000 scholarship for our students and in the end, will cost you almost $0.
You are eligible to participate in the program if your business is licensed to operate in Pennsylvania and is subject to one or more of the following taxes:
Please consider the value you place on providing a catholic education for your children. As a business owner, you are in the unique position of being able to help other families provide that same opportunity for their own children. Within our Saint Kilian community, there are families who are experiencing financial challenges due to job loss or illness and others who simply cannot afford the rising cost of catholic education for their children. Your generosity will make a significant difference in the lives of our students at Saint Mark the Evangelist Parish.
The application process is simple and quick: You or your company representative can set up an account and completer the application. This simple electronic application is only two pages, with the first page comprised of applicant information and the second page containing five questions about your contribution. Simply submit your application for consideration.
For additional information about the program, click here to visit the EITC information page from the Diocese of Pittsburgh OR to begin the application process, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development online.
If you have any questions, please contact the school at 724-625-1288.